Exterior Acoustic Side Panels (Solo Pro)


Upgrade your Solo Pro with our optional Exterior Acoustic Side Panels, designed to enhance sound dampening both inside and outside the booth. Crafted from high-quality, recycled acoustic PET material, these panels attach to the left and right side walls, significantly reducing ambient noise and creating a quieter, more focused workspace. Ideal for open-plan offices, coworking spaces, libraries, and any environment where sound control is essential, these panels help minimize echoes and dampen distractions, fostering a more productive atmosphere for everyone in the room.

Beyond their superior sound-absorbing capabilities, these eco-friendly panels help create a softer look that extends a sense of calm from the booth to the surrounding environment. Doubling as a versatile felt board, they also allow you to pin notes or inspiration directly onto your booth. Choose from our default colors or request a custom shade to add an extra pop of color and a stylish, sustainable touch to personalize your booth's exterior. This add-on can be included at purchase or ordered separately later, giving you the flexibility to upgrade your workspace whenever you’re ready.

Custom color options may be available upon request; request a quote to talk to our sales team about personalizing your booth's exterior panels color.